
Moral Superiority

moral superioritySometimes when I’m sittin’ drinkin’ thinkin’ I imagine what I would say if I were someone who voted yes for the voice because I was seeking unearned moral superiority, and I had a conversation with a no voter. I imagine it would go something like:

Yes voter: Did you vote yes or no for the voice?

No voter: I voted no.

Yes voter: That’s because you’re racist, uneducated, ignorant of history, a liar and you’re so dumb that you succumbed to misinformation. The no result for the voice has distressed us virtuous yes voters. You need to be more like me, get educated and be on the right side of history.

Then I imagine what I would say if I were a yes voter who was genuinely concerned with improving the lives of Indigenous Australians and had the same conversation. It would go something like:

Yes voter: Did you vote yes or no for the voice?

No voter: I voted no.

Yes voter: Why?

No voter: Because I don’t want racism enshrined in the constitution and I would like the government to stop squandering billions of dollars.

Yes voter: Fair points. I respect your opinion, especially since it’s the majority opinion. Are you interested in improving the lives of Indigenous Australians?

No voter: Yes of course.

Yes voter: Excellent. Let’s work together and do it.

No voter: Great!

I wonder why we’re not seeing the second conversation take place?

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